Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Value Scale Project

Nine Step Value Scale
Using a number 2 pencil and a Sharpie marker, recreate the 9-step value scale pictured on the left.  Be careful to create smooth areas of value with even transitions between each step.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Abstraction, Line and Fragmented Collage

Tom Sandberg, Untitled, 2003
Here are some links to help you better understand today's collage project.  Remember, this project focuses on abstraction and visual economy.  Abstract: We want to make images that represent real things in the natural world, but only vaguely.  Visual Economy: We want them to contain just enough marks and information, not too much and not too little. 

Visit the websites of Tom Sandberg, Jessica McCambly, Ann Bottcher, Mary Emma Hawthorne for examples of Visual Economy. Visit 10,000 Pages for examples of Abstract Linear Drawings.

Your homework assignment due Monday, September 12: View the links listed above and make at least two sketchbook drawings of your collage.  These drawings can be of portions of the collage.  Bring your collages with you to class.